One Roof Leicester

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One Roof Night Shelter Closure

In March 2020 we had to close the One Roof Night Shelters because of the Covid pandemic. For the past two winters we have been unable to reopen the shelters because the Central Government deemed dormitory style accommodation to be an unsuitable and unsafe environment for rough sleepers.

Since the closure of the night shelters we have been increasing our capacity in ORL Homes. In March 2020 we had 4 homes where we accommodated 12 individuals, we now have 10 homes, providing accommodation to 37 residents. Whilst living in an ORL Home we provide intense support to residents to rebuild their lives and move-on into permanent accommodation. We support each resident with accessing benefits, housing, employment or training, health and mental health services and if required drug and alcohol reduction therapies. Where an individual does not have their residency status or are ineligible for welfare benefits, we work with them to secure their status. These individuals usually have no income so we give them a weekly subsistence payment and a food parcel.

We have seen the positive impact of providing a room in a shared house has made to our residents. When they have a front door key and their own room room they are provided with dignity and safety. It becomes a place they can call home because they have the freedom to come and go as they please, they can cook and eat when they want and have friends visit. This has resulted in greater engagement with the support we provide and a desire to move into their own homes.

In the past two years 32 residents have been supported to move from an ORL Home into either their own tenancy, reconnect with family or move to other projects. When a resident has secured their own tenancy, staff and volunteers have helped each one with fully furnishing and preparing their new home, this has included installing new carpets, furniture and white goods, new bedding, crockery, cutlery and many other items to ensure they can maintain their new home.

The past two and a half years has seen significant changes take place at ORL. This provided the motivation for ORL Trustees and Staff to develop a new strategic plan. After evaluating all of ORL's projects the decision has been made to continue to develop and grow ORL Homes and not reopen the night shelters. The decision to not reopen the night shelters was not made lightly. The positive change we have seen in residents living in an ORL Home compared to on the night shelter made us more determined to offer a home not just a bed for the night.

Read more about ORL Homes.